Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Henry and Mudge Trifold FREEBIE---and giveaway winners!!

Congrats to Queen Bee Kelly and Karyn (kideducator) for winning a copy of my Super Sweet Sight Words packet!  I just emailed both of you ladies the file.  Y’all let me know what you think!  Everyone else can check it out {HERE}.
I have a little goodie for everyone who didn’t win (and all the rest of youJ).  I am working on a Henry and Mudge packet, and this is a reading trifold for the first book in the series.  Who doesn’t love Henry and Mudge, right?  Click the picture to download from TPT. :)

I purchased the adorable graphics from Scrappin’ Doodles.
Y’all enjoy, and be on the lookout for the complete package in the next few weeks.  If you snag the freebie, leave me a comment! J


  1. This is so great. I love using Henry and Mudge with my "middle" reading groups!

    Chickadee Jubilee
    The Best Endings

  2. Thanks so much! The packet looks fab....I will definitely let you know how it goes in my class!

    Thanks again!

  3. This looks great! My kiddos love Henry and Mudge!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Stories From Second

  4. Love it thanks! I'm doing Henry and Mudge all next week!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  5. Henry & Mudge one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing.

    First Grade Delight

  6. Wow! Wow! Wow! The Super Sweet Sight Words pack is Gi-Nor-Mous!!!! It is seriously AMAZING! You could use the pack just as is (which is what I plan on doing) without even buying the resource book! I love love love it! EVERYONE should run out and get it! I'm starting to use it next week! Thanks again Ashley! :o)
