Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Making Spelling Stations Spectacular!

Did you know that spelling could TRULY become your students' favorite time of the school day?  Say What??  It's true.  You can ditch the boring, rote assignments like:

Write the words 3 times each.
Write each word in ABC order.
Write a sentence with each spelling word.

Did I step on your toes?  GOOD! ;)

It's time to change up your weekly spelling practice and I've figured it all out for you!

You'll need to invest in some supplies, many of which you already have on hand.  And you'll want to use this FREE resource I've put together to get it organized.  Here's how spelling centers in my classroom work!

My students are placed in 6 groups.  I've included these 6 Group signs in the free file so you can fill in your students' names.  I keep my groups at 2-4 students.

 On Monday, I introduce the spelling words.  We look carefully for patterns like word families or special sounds.  We brainstorm other words that would fit those categories.  (If I can spell this word, I'll be able to spell.... x, x, and x, too!)  We clap and chant the letters as we spell each word orally.

On Tuesday through Thursday, we rotate through 2 spelling centers each day.  Each center takes 10-12 minutes to complete.  If students finish a center sooner, they repeat it until time is called.  When time is called, students have one minute to tidy the area for the next group.  When the transition signal is played again, students move to their next center for the day.  Each center is fun and engaging and helps kids practice their words in a unique way.  Several of the centers also provide excellent fine motor practice!  Here are the rotation boards I use:

In case you have fewer groups or don't like my center schedule, I've also included just the center icons for you to print out, cut out, and use to create your own center rotation board!

To extend the learning at home, my students have a monthly spelling menu.  Each month the activities change but they include everything from traditional spelling assignments to creative assignments like "Write your words in the snow." or "Paint your words on the sidewalk using water."  My students love the novelty of each month's new spelling menu!
 After extensive practice Monday-Thursday, students are ready for their test on Friday.  Aren't tests more fun on fun seasonal paper?  I use these cute papers for our tests:
 Our lists are only 10-15 words long, but the remaining blanks can be used for challenge words for high fliers or to have students spell unpracticed words that fit that week's spelling patterns.

 The monthly spelling menus, monthly test papers, and a TON of other spelling and word work resources can be found in this packet on TPT:

Here are the centers we do over the course of the week and some of the supplies you'll need to implement them. Many of these are things you already keep in your classroom.  Others could be requested from your PTA, parent donors, a Donors Choose grant, etc.

Ready to make spelling rock in your room?  Download this FREE RESOURCE to help you set up these fun centers in your own room! 

1 comment:

  1. Great activities! I pinned on pinterest to remind me of some great ways to make spelling fun and educational. Spelling with all of these activities makes it the best subject to teach.
