Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Bluebee Pals: Christmas Gift Idea

OMGoodness?!!  Are you looking for something FUN, EDUCATIONAL, and EXCITING to add to your classroom or home?  I had the pleasure of receiving and reviewing this little guy:
This is Leo the Lion and he's a Bluetooth-enabled, interactive plush toy!  Think cuddly, soft, and precious! He's about 1.5 feet tall.  But Leo goes well beyond your typical dust-collecting stuffed animal!
HE CAN TALK!!! ***gasp***

I remember that Teddy Ruxpin was a big  HUGE deal when I was a kid, and I always felt disappointed that I never got him for Christmas!  (**insert sad face**)

Enter Leo.... this generation's bigger, better, badder talking teddy!
 Here's how he works:

Isn't this a cool toy?  
Think Class Pet/Mascot, Christmas Gift, etc! 
Plus, Bluebee Pals are perfect for students with special needs like autism!

AND, Leo has some pretty awesome friends to choose from!

Bluebee Pals have won NUMEROUS awards:

 Psst....let me let you in on a little secret!  Coming soon are Bluebee Pals for BABIES!  Here's a sneak peek:

Ready to send Santa off to buy a Bluebee Pal for your child or classroom?  Here's the link:

P.S.  I don't think this Bluebee will be hanging out in my classroom anytime soon.  My 8 year old daughter is cuddling Leo as we speak! ;)

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