Thursday, June 11, 2015

Summer is the {NEW} New Year! #newyearsummer

There’s something fresh, new, and exciting about June 1st.  Even more exciting than January 1st, in my opinion.  For many of us teachers, we’re out of school by June 1st (or shortly thereafter).  There’s time to rest and rejuvenate, complete half-finished projects, enjoy or families, and JUSt BE.  But there’s also time to really focus on what’s working AND what’s not working in our lives.  There’s time to be the metaphorical caterpillar and wrap ourselves in the cocoon of summer so we can emerge as the beautiful butterfly we dream of being. 
One of my dreams (and hubby will be thrilled!) is to be banish my life of clutter, disorganization, chaos, and materialism and to embrace a life that’s more simple, meaningful, and purposeful.  

The following quote is my new mantra for our household as it relates to material things.  You can download this image by clicking on it:

One of the first things I’m doing this summer is cleaning out our clothing.  I’ve become inspired by
to pare down my wardrobe….drastically.
I’m not even what you’d probably consider a clothes-horse.  But I do have a TON of clothes.  Truth be told, I probably only wear ¼ of the clothes.  Sad, huh.  I bet you can relate! 
So here are the steps I’m following in paring down my wardrobe:

 I'll be back later with some pictures of my progress.  I don't know that I'll get down to 37 pieces or 33 pieces like some Capsule Wardrobe proponents advocate....but I'll get down to a number that's comfortable for me while being sure I truly LOVE what I have and USE what I have.

Join me on Instagram, Facebook, or your blog and let me know how Summer is the {NEW} New Year in your life!  !  And use the hashtag #newyearsummer on Social Media!


  1. I'll be joining you. Not being able to let go of things easily is a weakness, but if I am not using it I certainly don't need it!

  2. I recently went through and paired down my clothing too. I had way too much stuff that either didn't fit right or needed repaired. It made a huge difference to get rid of that stuff.
    Grade School Giggles
