Monday, May 25, 2015

My Favorite Fonts: Cara Carroll Fonts {GIVEAWAY}

You already know she's unbelievable adorable, sweet, and Just REAL....and that she makes amazing teaching products.

BUT....did you know that she also makes adorable fonts?  Here are some of my favorite Cara Carroll (CC) Fonts:

Y'all...I think I like her font names just as much as I like the fonts themselves.

And be REAL....what teacher hasn't wanted to lick a Xanax at one point or another???
You can grab these Cutie Patootie fonts here:
 Mrs. Cutie Patootie herself has agreed to give away ALL THREE CC Fonts sets to one lucky winner!!  Enter below: 


  1. You are hitting it out of the park with your featured font artists!! Own all of these and love them, too!

  2. Yay!!! So fun!! ☺️ Thanks for hosting these giveaways!!
