Thursday, April 30, 2015

Throw-back Thursday: Mother's Day in our Classroom

I wanted to throwback to Mother's Day in my classroom two years ago.  Enjoy!

Today was all about Mother's Day for my littles.  We completed three different crafts from my newest packet, and we'll finish up with a letter to Mom and a silly fill-in-the-blank questionnaire about Mom tomorrow.  (I've also included versions for Grandmom and Aunt for those kids who don't live with their Mom!).  Here's a peek at what the kids did today:

First, we created portraits of our Moms and made free-form scrappy flowers.  Then we modpodged these onto a canvas that we'd painted green.  Tomorrow, the kids will fill out this form about their moms and we'll attach it to the back of the portraits as a funny keepsake:

Then, we decorated these flower pots I picked up super cheap at Walmart last year.  I wrote an original poem to include in the cups and I laminated the poem and attached them to a colored popsicle stick to put down in the dirt.  I'm a little late planting, so I told the kids the flowers will not bloom til after Mother's Day (hmmm....unless I sneak out there and replace the seeds with a Marigold!!)

Their favorite craft was a 3d heart flower we made.  I've included the templates and picture instructions for this craft in my Mother's Day packet. 

I also wrote an original poem that goes with this craft about a "love seed" that your mom planted in your heart!

The kids made a Garden of Praise for their Moms
 and tomorrow they'll write a letter to their mom using the template included:
Everything you need to make this a fabulous floral Mother's Day is included in my packet, which is on sale for the next few days.  Go check it out!

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