Saturday, June 1, 2013

What I've been Up to...

Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately...I hope to be back in full swing starting next week.  I'm excited about all of the Summer linky parties coming up and am going to try my own linky party.  (Fingers crossed that this non-technical-guru can get it to work!)
I've totally updated my Bucket Filler Brigade Unit (my best seller!) and it has gone from 25 ho-hum pages to 66 fabulous pages!  It now features Nikki at Melonheadz' ADORABLE Bucket Filler clipart!  If you've already purchased it, PLEASE go redownload it!  Here's a peak at some of the pages and ideas included:

Something else I've been up to....I've decided to go with a chevron and owl décor next year, so here are a few products I've been working on.  You can click on the picture to take you to TPT. :)

I'm so excited to have finally purchased a DJ Inkers commercial License (#0403183428).  I just bought several of their clipart CD's and plan to buy more.  I'd written to them several times begging them to offer commercial licenses.  So glad I wasn't the only one who made this paid off!

And I've gotta say I am LOVIN me some Cara Carroll Fonts! :)

Hopefully I'll be along with some more interesting and productive posts next week!  :)  Thanks for your patience.


  1. Lovin' all your new stuff, Ash! Chevron and Owl?! Coolest classroom on the block! LOL! Let me know if you need any help on anything!

    The Applicious Teacher

  2. I'm thinking our classrooms are going to be twins. So excited for bright chevron and owls. Also, loving the bucket filler pack.

  3. Love the Bucket Dipper stuff! My co-worker is changing her theme to owls - I'll have to show her your stuff!

  4. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I am just now seeing yours for the first time too! I'm your newest follower! :)

    Mrs. Heeren's Happenings
