Monday, July 13, 2015

B2S: Book and Supply Organization

Are you prepping for back to school?  I am!  I've been at my school for 6 years now, and I realized I've changed grade level 5 times and rooms 3 times!  I'm planning on camping out in first grade in my new room for a VERY long time, so I wanted it to be just right!  I'll be showing little snippets of it over the next week or so, and then I'll follow up with the grand reveal!

First up, I have a TON of books (as do most teachers).  I wanted to have a colorful, USEFUL classroom library set-up!  My husband built this massive shelf for me last year, and he painted it Ceylon Cream.  I bought baskets to match my theme and colors from The Dollar Tree.  

I designed book basket labels to go with every series, author, theme, and curriculum topic I could think of! The red baskets on the bottom shelf are monthly baskets for books I read in those months.  Here's a better peek at my book basket labels:
I attached the labels using velcro dots.  That way, as I change out the labels and book bin contents during the year, I'll just velcro on a new label!
 Here's the system we'll follow for browsing and borrowing.  I created number labels for my students.  I'll hot glue these to a ruler or a paint stir stick.  Students will use this number stick as they browse and borrow to hold their place in the box their book is from.  They can't take their stick out and get another book until the book they have has been placed in the correct box.

I'll share my method for keeping up with all the additional books I have and how I'll rotate the content on the shelves later this week!

If you want to get my book basket labels and student numbers, they're available here on sale for 20% off this week:

1 comment:

  1. The paint stick, ruler idea is great. I always struggle to keep track of who has what. This is going to help my library say organized and keep my students from hoarding books in their desks. Hurray!
