Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bridging the Summer Learning Gap: Week One

Teachers Pay Teachers has some fabulous FREE resources!  I'm digging through this treasure chest each week this summer  to show you some fabulous resources your children (or students) can do to keep them fresh and ready for the next school year.  I taught first grade this year, so the resources I highlight will range from K-2.

In fact, I'm emailing the link to these products to my students' parents each week so they can download them and complete them at home.  I thought I'd share the links with you each week as well!

 Click the pictures below to download the products at TPT.  Be sure to leave feedback after you download them!

1.  Word Stairs by Jodi Southard  

2.  Mother's Day and Father's Day Writing Printables by At Whit's End

3.  Graphing Packet by First Grade Kate

4.  Space Model of the Earth and Moon's Orbit by More Time 2 Teach
Space: Model of Earth & Moon's orbit 

How are you bridging the summer learning gap with your kids at home...or with your students?


  1. Thanks for sharing these freebies today! I love the quick, simple format for practice!

  2. What a great list of freebies, Ashley! Thanks for doing the hard work :)

    Lucky to Be in First
