Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Best Year Yet Linky Party! Week One: My Spiritual Goals

If you're like me, you're ready to make 2014 the BEST YEAR YET!!  Each week for the next 6 weeks, we'll link up and share some of our goals, dreams, and hopes for the new year.  This week, it's all about our Spiritual Goals.  Let's motivate, encourage, and inspire each other!  Share this image on your blog and link up below with your post.  I can't wait to be inspired by each of you!
My Spiritual Goals:
Somehow, somewhere I've let the busyness of life replace God.  It's time to put an end to that!  We recently joined a small Baptist church that we absolutely adore.  The minister and his wife are my age...they have 5 girls that go to the private school where I teach.  They are the sweetest family ever and man can he preach the word of God!  I want to get more active in church this year. 
1.  I'm even going to facilitate a women's Bible study beginning in January.  We'll be studying this:
LOOOVE me some Beth Moore! 
2.  I'm also going to start keeping a prayer and spiritual journal so I can really see my growth through the year and be reminded of all the ways God answers prayer and blesses me.  I want to develop a printable spiritual journal that incorporates everything I need/want in one.  I'll share more about that in the coming weeks and share it as a freebie for y'all.
3.  Commit more scripture to memory.  There was a time in my life when I could recall so much scripture, pray it out loud and meditate on it day and night.  I'm sad to say a lot of that has left my memory and I want it back! I'd love to make and display something like this to make scripture memory a family event and something that we see and dwell on day in and day out:
This looks like a fun and wonderful resource for my Christian classroom and family:
4.  Commit to family devotions.  We have this Bible that my daughter LOVESSSSS.  She literally begs for a Bible story from it each night:
I'd like to find more resources like this that make the Bible come to life for little ones.  I'd also love to incorporate our scripture memory and prayer journaling into these family devos.  I'd love for Morgan to see just how faithful God is and how He answers prayer!  If you have young ones (age 4-10) and haven't checked this out, you must!  It's the best children's Bible I've ever seen!!
5.  Read some great books like:
6.  Share my faith more!  I want to be less judgmental, less political, and more loving.  I want to hate the sin but love the sinner more.  I want to love as Jesus did...dinner with the scoundrel Zaccheus, talking to the woman who was caught in adultery and telling her her sins were forgiven.  I want to realize that I am not perfect, and I have no right to judge.  Doesn't mean I'll stop having Bible-based convictions, and doesn't mean I will let my brothers and sisters wallow in their sin without trying to help them up...but it does mean I'll work more on loving and less on judging and belittling.
What are your FAITH goals for 2014?  Link up and share!!
In the coming weeks, I'll ask you to link up and share your financial goals, TPT goals, family goals, work goals, and personal goals.  And if this linky bombs and no one links up (lol...always a fear!!), I'll just thank God for giving me the chance to sort through my own goals and make myself accountable by putting them out there for the world to read.  *wink*


  1. We just did the Bible Study on Esther last spring. It was the first one I facilitated and it was GREAT!!! Thank you so much for hosting this linky. I'm hoping that putting my goals into writing will keep me more accountable. I can't wait to see what goals others have!
    Teachin' First

  2. Thanks for hosting this linky party! I need to grow in my spiritual life and walk with God! I will be linking up soon!

    Success in Second Grade
    Follow me on Facebook!

  3. I did my post, but I don't see where to link up at. I loved your spiritual goals! We have some of the same. I look forward to participating in the weeks to come.

    <a href="http://firstgradejungleroom.blogspot.com”>The First Grade Jungle Room</a>

  4. My mom did Esther about a year ago. I'm hoping my church offers it for one of the Spring studies! And Angie Smith's new book "Chasing God" came out 2 days ago! I read "What Women Fear" .. I love her!
