Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Santa Loves Teachers Day 4: Merry CHRIST-mas!

Today's giveaway is all about the SOURCE of Christmas...Jesus Christ.  I'm so thankful that he willingly came to earth more than 2000, was born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life for sinful me!!  What a GIFT...truly the greatest gift mankind has ever known!

Here are the goodies for today's giveaway:
Without further delay, get busy entering and liking the fabulous artists who donated these products:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  Remember that the giveaway ends in 48 hours!  Be sure to check back daily through the 7th for a new giveaway each day!!

Also, here's my gift to each of you!  This gift normally sells for $4.50 and will only be free for 24 hours!!


  1. Thank you! Will fit in perfectly with our Nativity unit.

  2. I'm wondering if Ian the not one who cannot find your Facebook page. Please help. I want to be sure that I have liked your page.

  3. Try
