Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Across America With He Who Must Not Be Named

No, I'm not talking this guy....
 I'm talking this guy...
 Apparently this fat cat's camp is CRAY-CRAY when it comes to creating TPT products, mentioning his name, or anything of the sort!  That's why he must not be named!! 

My Kindergarten class had fun celebrating Read Across America Day.  Here are the highlights of what all we did:

We Made Thing 1 and Thing 2 headbands using this template by the fabulous Jennifer White of First Grade Blue Skies.  Click the picture to go to Jennifer's blog post!

 We made a One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish booklet:
We made -at Hats:
We posed like the Fat Cat himself:
We imagined what a wocket must look like:
And we had the most magical reading celebration ever led by a fabulous parent volunteer:

I put together some freebies for our celebration.  Go snag them here:


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