Monday, December 22, 2014

Techie Tip: Easy Way to Choose a Font

How often have you wanted to choose THE PERFECT font but just been unable to do so?  Scrolling through your font list, highlighting and changing the font....over and over!  This is tiresome and frustrating.  I've found a FABULOUS website to help with font-choosing-woes!

Enter a FABULOUS website called!

Simply type the word or phrase into a box, then click the "Load Fonts" button and you can view the word in all fonts on your computer!  LOVE THIS TRICK!!

 How's that for a time-saving techie tip?  This is a trick I'll be using quite a bit!


  1. Are you KIDDING!? This is amazing.

  2. Love, love, love!!! saved my life!

  3. holy tamoly!!! My fonts in Photoshop don't show me what they look like until I type something out, this is going to CHANGE MY LIFE!!! Thank you sooo much, xxxxx PS, lovfe your blog!! :)
