Monday, January 16, 2012

A few (dumb) questions....Help a sister out!!

As I'm trying to be a better blogger and better resource-creator this year, I have a couple of questions:

1.  How do you load a cute font on your blog?  I got Dreamlike Magic to design my blog which is absolutely adorable...they do FABULOUS work!  But I would like to have a cute font for my actual blog posts.  Can someone please help??

2.  How do so many of you have such cute black and white clip art?  It looks like a lot of ladies are using DJ Inkers, Scrappin Doodles, etc. in cute black and white formats.  Most of the clipart I've bought is color, and only a few of my purchases had a black and white version.  Is there a way to convert the color to black and white?  Or are you guys purchasing black and white clip art specifically?

3.  What are your favorite clip art sites?  I've fallen in love with Scrappin Doodles, Thistle Girl Designs, and DJ Inkers.

4.  Did I read on someone's blog recently that DJ Inkers will no longer let you charge for materials that have their graphics on them??

Thanks ladies.  I want to do better for me....and for you!!!  I need some guideance, though.  :)


  1. 1.) I don't know! :) But also love love love my Dreamlike Magic Designs blog!

    2.) I use Publisher to make a lot of my file and you can easily adjust the graphics in Publisher. Also, many times they come with black and white graphics too.

    3.) I love the same three that you do!

    4.) DJ Inkers is really strict about their graphics and absolutely under no circumstances can you sell things with their graphics. You can share for free though!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  2. I LOVE Dreamlike Magic! They designed our blog template too :) My favorite new clip art is The First Grade Diaries, but all of the others are reall cute too! I also use Publisher to make things. I just started blogging the day the DJ Inkers mess occured, so I've never purchased any of their clip art and probably won't be with their new terms and conditions. Hope this was helpful and have a happy rest of your day!

    Lisa :) (new follower)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  3. As for the font, if you email her at DLMagic..she can fix your template so you can change the font from your "design" feature..hope that helps!!
    First Grade Blue SKies
