Monday, September 12, 2011

Want to win one of EVERYTHING in my TPT store?? Read for details...

Wow!  I feel so neglectful.  Life has been crazy busy, and I've hardly had time to get required stuff done, let alone have fun blogging!  I also feel bad because I haven't had much time to work on freebies or on TPT units, but I'm going to try to do better.  We have a funding campaign going on through Champion Events.  We are having a clay shoot and serve-a-thon next week, and I was volunteered (!!!!) to head up the transportation and serve-a-thon group.  So, every spare moment has been spent organizing this, attending weekly meetings, fundraising, etc.  PLUS, we had Grandparents Day Friday.  So, life is good but B.U.S.Y.  Here are some classroom pics of what we have been busy doing these last few weeks:
Getting Ready to make Snazzy Snacks (Cowboy Cookies).  Thanks to Christina Bainbridge, Jessica Winston, and other superstar teachers for the inpsiration!

Cowboy Cookies ingredients

They taste better than they look.  One student said they look like cat poop!!!

We won the door decorating contest for our 1-5 building!

Getting ready for our tooth experiments (from Cara Carroll's Dental Health Unit on TPT)

Last but not least, please consider making a donation to our school funding campaign. 
 I teach at a small Christian school (approximately 100 students).  We have a goal of $50,000 and we have only reached 50% of our goal.  Mine and my daughter's personal goal is $1500.  We are 50% of the way there.  I would love to be able to make our goal.  Please consider contributing at the site above.  It is a secure site and your donation is fully tax deductible. You may print out a receipt immediately.   If you donate, please email me and let me know one item you would like from my TPT store.  I will email you that item.  (   You also have a chance(s)  to win one of EVERY item in my TPT store.  I will select the winner on the day after our clay shoot, 9/24.  
You may leave one comment (which will equal one entry) for each of the following:
1.  Share my "plea" on your blog.  :)
2.  Email some friends about making a contribution and share the link
3.  Become a new follower of this blog
4.  Make a donation and leave a comment.  You don't have to say how much you donated on your comment or email!  (plus email me so you can get one item free)
5.  Become a follower of my TPT store
So...up to 5 entries per person to win one of everything in my TPT store!!  Please help a sista' out!  :) 
Thanks for being generous!  Our school relies on fundraising heavily, since tuition only covers 70% of our costs and 90% of our families are average, middle-class families.  To God be the Glory!!


  1. Fun stuff! Just love the cute cowboy art!

  2. I just became a follower of your blog! This is my first year teaching 2nd grade so all of the ideas help me so much:)
