Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Real Sentences Make Sense! (an activity suggestion and a freebie)

My second graders have been reviewing sentences this week.  I am currently working on an entire unit suitable for 1st-2nd grade for learning about sentences.  I came up with this activity as simple assessment and extension activity to review the 4 rules of sentences my kids and I have been talking about.  We have been talking about how sentences:
1.  Start with a capital letter.
2.  End with a ., ?, or !
3.  Make Sense
4.  Have spaces between the words

I started out putting sentences on sentence strips and taping them to the white board.  I let each student come up one at a time and choose a smell good marker :).  Students had to tell us how that sentence met the rules by marking on their sentence strip (circle the capital letter, circle the end mark, put a check mark if it makes sense, and show where the spaces are between the words.

And here is a little freebie...the follow-up page I used as a simple assessment for students to show me they can tell when a sentence is real because it makes sense!  Students also showed me they knew to add a capital letter and a period to real sentences.  They really enjoyed this lesson!

Let me know if you are able to use this.   Thanks, and God bless!  :)

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