Monday, July 11, 2011

Daily Schedule Linky Party!

Simply Second Resources is having a linky party all about daily schedules!  I, too, am one of those nerds who loves making schedules, writing lists,!!  Here is my tentative daily schedule for this school year.  I still need to finalize it as soon as I hear back from my headmaster about our specials and lunch schedules.  I am blessed to teach in a Christian school where I get to include Bible as part of our day!  :)  Please link up and share your daily schedule!


  1. Thanks for linking up! Your blog is so cute!

    Simply 2nd Resources

  2. Hi, Ashley!
    I saw your question on our blog and wanted to send you an email but couldn't find your address so I thought I would just post a comment on your blog (which is sooooo cute!!).

    I must admit, I am a font ADDICT! I wonder if there's a support group for people like me!! The font is called Fourth of July. You can download it for free for personal at:

    I hope this helps!!

    Take care,
    Nicole :)

  3. Popping by to say Hi. You were spotlighted in my Blog Mixer Linky Party.

    Yearn to Learn Blog
